Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Moment That Changes Your Life

More than likely you have stmbled across this blog in attempt to find some clarification about what your childs cardiologist (your new best friend) refered to as TGA. TGA comes in two forms: D-TGA or L-TGA. For now, it is most important to prepare yourself for the long road ahead. It is in fact a long road full of speed bumps, beautiful scenery and moments when you feel the brakes have gone out. There is, however, a destination and there is hope! As hopeless as you feel, it is a fight worth fighting.

Some neccesities for your journey are:
a journal to document all the information, dates, medications and questions you may have.
a spare travel bag with make up, deodorant, clothes, and other toiletries
gum! you will be running on coffee alone some days and need fresh breath when asking questions of the doctors (there will be many of them)